Be Proactive in
Your Chronic Pain
Be Proactive in
Your Chronic Pain

Holistic House


As a chronic pain survivor, or in knowing someone who is, you may have
discovered that living with chronic pain can sometimes be an enormous burden
to bear both physically and
emotionally...and for some, the enormity permeates
every aspect of life - all day, every day. The cold, sometimes harsh realities of
chronic pain are such that if solution and cure were that simple to establish and
secure...the notion then of chronic pain would perhaps be a concept no more.

Fortunately, the emergence of multidisciplinary approaches in
search of relief
and wellness, is taking front and center stage for many, and some chronic pain
survivors are jumping on the bandwagon. The choices are plentiful and run the
gamut from conventional western approaches such as medication, surgery,
biofeedback, injections, physical therapy, etc., to eastern approaches such as
acupuncture, homeopathy, mind-body healing, herbs, polarity work, etc.

These days, eastern approaches are becoming ever more mainstream and are
viable options for those chronic pain survivors seeking pain relief and overall
healing. Some alternative approaches are being integrated into conventional
medicine and gaining acceptance. Clinical trials are ongoing in an effort to
scientifically assess their viability.

There are many
with profound allegiance to eastern health-care and its
efficacy. Just as strong perhaps, are those who believe much of this is
nonsense and not worth the time, money and effort invested
by those seeking
chronic pain relief.

There are also some who believe all pain and disease is a result of emotional
pain and unhealed psychic wounds...that is, that what manifests in the body in
the form of pain or illness, is really the soul's way of crying out for help...the
body being just a vehicle for this.

The bottom line is, it's up to you to investigate options and determine which
approaches might be avenues for you in your quest for relief and better life
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...Lifestyle Management For The Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain Management